It’s a Terrific Tuesday at Nana’s Place. Be careful that you don’t allow compliments to put you in a place where you’re patting yourself on the back… Always know from where your help comes and give thanks

It’s a Marvelous Monday at Nana’s Place. Start looking on the bright side of things, if you woke up to it being one of those sad dreary Mondays, at least you woke up. I think that’s something to be excited about. GLASS HALF FULL. Enjoy your Monday!

It’s a fun fact Friday at Nana’s Place. It’s takes way to much energy to lie. When you lie you have to consider what you’re trying to hide, figure out a believable version of the opposite, give a convincing performance to sell that lie, and then remember it for the rest of eternity so you never get caught. JUST TELL THE TRUTH!

It’s a Wonderful Wednesday at Nana’s Place. Friendship is a wonderful thing, if you are blessed to have good friends make sure you are like a reflection in a mirror. Your love, appreciation, respect, generosity, commitment empathy and sympathy should reflect what you are receiving and/or what you expect to receive. Note: Give because your heart tells you to give not out of obligation and remember giving is not always Tangible or monetary. Time and attention is such a necessary component of life.