It’s a ticking Tuesday at Nana’s Place. If the heart is still ticking, you should be also. Get to living. Enjoy your Tuesday. by myphoenixweb | Oct 9, 2013 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Marvelous Monday at Nana’s Place. Get up, shower off the weekend and let’s begin again! Happy Monday Yaw! by myphoenixweb | Oct 8, 2013 | Nanas Blog
It’s a wonderful Wednesday at Nana’s Place. Even in biblical times there is a time to go to battle and there is a time to turn the other cheek. Turn the other cheek in today’s times means ignoring someone’s ignorance, bad behavior or comments. We don’t have to go to battle every time something happens that we don’t like. Let Karma or better yet let God get them! by myphoenixweb | Oct 2, 2013 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Fun Fact Friday at Nana’s Place. All children can learn: even the ones who have been diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, AUTISM, TRAMATIC BRAIN INJURY, MMR, SPEECH DELAY, DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY, etc. All children learn at different ages and stages of development. You should not compare one to the other. Children also learn in different ways. Some are visual learners, some are auditory learners, and other are kinesthetic learners. And then you have those who combine learning styles. Once the teacher AND YOU! learn your child’s learning style, he/she will be much more successful in school. by myphoenixweb | Sep 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
It’s a Wonderful Wednesday at Nana’s. Telling the truth can be difficult but it’s for the best. Telling the truth is taking ownership in your actions. We are not talking about “keeping it real!” where you tell everyone else’s truth. WE are talking about you telling your truth! by myphoenixweb | Sep 25, 2013 | Nanas Blog