It’s a Fun Fact Friday at Nana’s Place. It is often said God takes the good ones… What does that say about those of us left behind? Those of us trying to make it into the kingdom better get it together. When your time comes, welcome your cross over… Just a thought Marquita inspired!!!! Love you — with Marquita Marshal. by myphoenixweb | Feb 7, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a terrific Tuesday at Nana’s Place. Never build important decision around other people. In the end they’ll only disappoint you nevertheless you are the only one responsible for the outcome. Do it yourself and stop waiting on other people! It’s your life, live it… by myphoenixweb | Feb 4, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a thankful Thursday at Nana’s place. Today Lisa would be 39 years old. We are thankful that we were blessed to have had her even if only for a short time. Happy Birthday Angel. by myphoenixweb | Jan 23, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a terrific Tuesday at Nana’s Place. Say what you need to say today, hold who you need to hold today, love them today for tomorrow is not promised. by myphoenixweb | Jan 22, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Thankful Thursday at Nana’s Place. We are thankful for our dreams and the dreams of others. Dreams remain dreams until you wake up and take action. Make the dreams that count your reality. by myphoenixweb | Jan 16, 2014 | Nanas Blog