It’s a fun Fact Friday at Nana’s Place. Pay close attention to people who have the best advice and the worst circumstances…. We create our circumstance with the decision we make! by myphoenixweb | May 2, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Thankful Thursday at Nana’s Place. We are very thankful to be able to have the convenience of having your child’s picture taken here at our center (Northern) today and tomorrow. Picture Day for the 43 and Peoria center is next week 6,7,8 (and if needed 9). If we look a little discombobulated please understand although we bring this convenience to our centers for our families it is a crazy, busy, bizarre day! We love you but we may not be ourselves lol by myphoenixweb | May 1, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Wonderful Wednesday at Nana’s Place. Be cautious to the person or persons who give advice but don’t walk that talk they are giving. It is true some people who do wrong know what right is and can state that however search your own truth before dabbling in what that person said was right, true and/or fact. by myphoenixweb | Apr 30, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Thankful Thursday at Nana’s Place. We are thankful for our friends as well as our enemies. Our enemies make us more relevant than they’ll ever comprehend. Good Press/Bad Press… It’s America; it’s all good (unfortunately). We are blessed beyond measure something no one person can ever take away. by myphoenixweb | Apr 24, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Wonderful Wednesday at Nana’s Place. It’s your world; we are just trying to live in it… SO CLEAN IT UP!!!! HAPPY EARTH DAY PEOPLE by myphoenixweb | Apr 23, 2014 | Nanas Blog