It’s a Wonderful Wednesday at Nana’s Place. Every story, be it movie, book, poem or your life, is about a character who wanted something and had to overcome adversity to get it. (PureHeart) Here you were thinking life was all about you, nope we’ve all dealt with it. Be blessed as you keep pressing forward to what you want in life/out of life. by myphoenixweb | Jul 2, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Terrific Tuesday at Nana’s Place. When you are considered the underdog the victory is so much greater. It’s because no one expected you to grow therefore they couldn’t even conceive you completely taking over… It’s a takeover kind of day! Who’s in charge? by myphoenixweb | Jun 24, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Marvelous Monday at Nana’s Place. Every time you take a breath today remember you survived the weekend and have another chance to begin again. Begin this week right! Rejoice in your heart at every chance at life. by myphoenixweb | Jun 23, 2014 | Nanas Blog
t’s a Wondrous Wednesday at Nana’s Place. Too Blessed To Be Stress… Only if we truly believed that; it’s a true statement it’s just really hard to wrap your mind around it as you are going through your struggles. Many of us have many stressors we just don’t let the stressor know because the stressor may think it has won and we can’t have that… haha think on that for a minute. by myphoenixweb | Jun 18, 2014 | Nanas Blog
It’s a Terrific Tuesday at Nana’s Place. Rejoice in the small things and larger thing are sure to come. by myphoenixweb | Jun 16, 2014 | Nanas Blog